What is Tintel?

Tintel is a company that provides online services and makes apps.
The CEO and Owner/Founder of Tintel is Akshat Sahay. Tintel was created
on 12 March 2021, all information about Tintel was not secure until 15
September 2023.

History of Tintel!

Tintel was started on 12 March 2021, one night of February 2021 Akshat had a thought that he had a company that made an OS named Steel. Tintel is a name derived from a metal called tin. The first project of Tintel was an animation created by coding on 12 March 2021 on a third-party block coding website code.org.

On the first of June 2021, Akshat had an idea. He made some games on Tintel and some animations but he needed a permanent userbase. His users were not permanent. He coded for 2 days and the legend of T-Mail was born. Many more apps were created like T-Clock, Code, chat, and many more but T-Mail was the most popular. Many good updates were done on T-Mail. On new year T-Mail got a never ending error. When T-Mail crossed 100 users then a never ending error trapped Tintel. T-Mail was officially closed on 17 January 2022. 95% of Tintel users came from T-mail so the whole Tintel crashed. Akshat now knew that he should not code on any third party site.

Now Tintel would start to make websites. Akshat built a website named T-Room where we can stream and chat in infinite meetings. Many more apps were created like T-Maze, T-Connect, T-Do, T-Food, T-Snake, T-Weather, T-Notes, T-Translate, and more. At the end, only T-Notes, T-Weather, T-Translate, T-Do, and T-Room were selected as T-Apps. The rest of the apps were dumped and considered lost media of Tintel. Users said some sites had something unusual and creepypastas. An Official Website for Tintel was created on October of 2022. In March of 2023, Akshat saw Tintel's site rusting and old so he remade it and created T-Accounts. Now people can use their accounts on all T-Apps. New apps like T-Contacts and T-Ads were introduced. Tintel caught the attention of many users. Everything went well until June 14, 2023, when Every Tintel account was hacked. The hacker's name was Anurag and some accounts were deleted too.

Tintel was down and Akshat focused on acquiring new skills, a backend for Tintel was created and a new Tintel without a database like Firebase was created. In September, the backend was ready and everything was set. Tintel was booming and many users signed up, there were 18 accounts but now the number of accounts went up to 56. But on 19th of September Tintel got hacked but only 2 accounts got hacked and Tintel was secured again and rescued hacked accounts. Tintel was hacked again on 21st of September and Tintel was again secured. But on 23 September, Tintel had the biggest attack. Tintel was shocked and there was traffic and chaos, Akshat closed the servers and Tintel was secured again on 23 October. 50+ accounts were hacked out of 72. Now Tintel made new apps like T-Code, T-Store and T-Cult in a month. Tintel had Diwali update and many more things. A CSS Update, and many more updates came and Tintel focused on marketing. If you are here then it is 78% chances that you came between September 2023 to January 2024 or the person who recommended you Tintel would have joined in this period or then person who has recommended the person who recommended you and so on. Now on New year of 2024, replit closed free hostings so they moved to glitch and after 10 months, Finally T-Chat was ready on 17 January. Tintel took a strategic move by removing all utility apps and some more apps, there are only 5 apps now.

Tintel hitted 1000 users and 4000 users later. Tintel launched T-Memes and removed it because it was a disaster in industry. Tintel started working and spreading in Artificial Intelligence field. The tintel history movie started in editing.